Getting Back Into the Swing

Life interferes, doesn't it?

Life though is when ultimately is our inspiration, though. It's messy, it's complicated, and some people work better with a full plate than an empty one. My life just got a little more complicated. I spent the summer wallowing in words. I read words, I wrote words and I taught words to my three year old. However, the summer has to end and this school teacher goes back into the classroom come the end of August. Another year stretching before me as I try and instill some measure of my love of words onto the students who fill my classroom.

I have a tough audience. Anyone who's dealt with one fourteen year old can tell you that they are a tough sell. I have very small classes, I'm fortunate in that, but fifteen to twenty fourteen year olds are an even tougher sell. I spend a lot of time prepping and grading and just recuperating, so life interferes with my writing.

I was on a roll. This summer a story flew from my fingers nearly lighting the keyboard on fire it zipped out so quickly. Then as the school year neared and I started to navigate the perils of a parent trying to register my daughter for school, the story started to slip away. First little bits and pieces fell to the wayside. I couldn't remember the name of the main character's cousin. Wait, what the tattoo the other customer was getting? Which intersection did I use? All those tiny little details that build a book just float away in the wash of every day life.

Time to stop dithering. School's been back in session for a while and it's time to get back to writing. I'm giving myself until the end of September to gather together all the ragged bits and pieces of the story and gather them in one place. Then, no matter what, I'm promising myself I'll see it through. I want to get to the end of the story as much as anyone else.

I'll keep you posted!


  1. I'm with you, girl! Life just . . . interferes! I hope you are keeping good notes about those 14-year-olds, though. Aggravations now are fodder for tomorrows stories!!!


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