Been A While...
So, I've been a very neglectful blogger this year. I was so good for the first couple of years, but sort of tapered off this past year. It's not a bad thing, though. It just means that life has gotten a lot fuller and left me less time to spend spilling my thoughts out into the internet ether. I have been writing. In fact, I just finished a new Fallen book. Initially Flames of the Fallen was supposed to be a novella for last summer's Solstice anthology. I also auctioned off the ability to name/create a character for this book at my daughter's school auction last May. Thought it was a cool idea. Thought it would be unique enough to get some bids. Added signed copies of the other Fallen books, a bottle of wine and some chocolate to the basket. Got a total of 2 bids and one of them was a pity bid from a member of the family. Ouch. Yeah, so I learned my lesson about trying to be clever. Just donated wine this year. That one went much better. Tells you the priorities of the ...