So, I'm starting up the marketing train. I have a few articles to read on "branding," got my FB fan page just started and I'm working on a couple of other things. A former colleague of mine (thanks, Jan!) hooked me up with a writer from the Oak Park Wednesday Journal. She writes a blog on writers and books and wants to interview me! We're setting something up for the next week or two, so stay tuned and I'll have more details. To dovetail onto that, she's also asked me to write a guest blog. I'm not certain how to do that, but I'm game. I think I'll write on young adult fiction. Despite the fact that Ribbons is paranormal romance, and I personally love the genre, I feel on much firmer ground when talking about YA books. My business cards came! I need to get better at promoting myself. I still feel a little embarrassed to whip a card out to hand to someone. I'm sure it'll get easier as time goes on, but I'm not used to blowing my...