
Showing posts from February, 2011


So, I'm starting up the marketing train. I have a few articles to read on "branding," got my FB fan page just started and I'm working on a couple of other things. A former colleague of mine (thanks, Jan!) hooked me up with a writer from the Oak Park Wednesday Journal. She writes a blog on writers and books and wants to interview me! We're setting something up for the next week or two, so stay tuned and I'll have more details. To dovetail onto that, she's also asked me to write a guest blog. I'm not certain how to do that, but I'm game. I think I'll write on young adult fiction. Despite the fact that Ribbons is paranormal romance, and I personally love the genre, I feel on much firmer ground when talking about YA books. My business cards came! I need to get better at promoting myself. I still feel a little embarrassed to whip a card out to hand to someone. I'm sure it'll get easier as time goes on, but I'm not used to blowing my...

Getting the Name Out There

Alright, so the name of the game is to get my name out there right about now. How to do that . . . ? Don't really know what my next step is. I know there are a lot of people I know who are waiting for the print version of the book to come out, but that's not enough. I know there are a bunch of people out there who own eReaders, but how do I get my name out there to them? I mean, you can have a wonderful book, but how do you go about letting people know about it. I don't know Twitter and am trying to begin my Facebook fan page, but I feel like a neophyte. I feel, in some ways, like I'm spinning my wheels. It's more frustrating than waiting for the book to come out. When the book was waiting in the wings, there really wasn't anything I could do. Now, it's in my hands and I'm not really sure what to do about it right now. I suppose it's time for me to do my homework. Any help or advice from anyone out there would truly be appreciated!

How Appropriate!

RIBBONS OF MOONLIGHT has gone on sale! The eBook is on sale for $5.99 on the Solstice website. I don't know exactly how long it will take for the print version to be on sale or when it will be on Amazon, but it's enough for me that it exists right now. How appropriate that a historical romance went on sale on Valentine's Day?!? I wish I could say more, but it's hard for me to type right now--I have a broken elbow! Just found that out on Saturday. However, it doesn't stop me from doing my happy dance!

Win, win, win!

No new info on Ribbons right now, but I thought I'd pass along the following opportunities to everyone. There are a couple of contests going on out there. You could win a Sony eReader from Solstice Publishers. You could also win a copy of the anthology "Celebrate the Seasons" by my fellow Solstice authors. Check out the link below and sign up to win!

It's Here!!!

Well, I received official word from my publisher today!!! Ribbons is ready to be released. They're putting the finishing touches on it and soon it will be available. I think the eBook will be out first, but the print version should be right behind. I know for certain, I can't wait until I have a physical copy in my hands. I think it'll be under my pillow for the first two weeks or so. Alright, let's be serious, it won't leave my hand for at least three days. I warn all, I'll be pretty insufferable for a while. I've been spending time working on a new time-travel romance with a poetic twist. Naming Blue is still there, I just needed to switch gears for a little while. There's a lot of intrigue coming up and I need to make sure that I have it all figured out before I start writing. The new paranormal is based on "The Lady of Shalott" by Tenneyson. I love Tenneyson's work. Apparently, it's also been pointed out to me that I'm wor...