Welcome to Mark Iles and his A Pride of Lions!
For those of you who like thrillers, mysteries, suspense, science fiction and pirates (can't forget the pirates)-- A Pride of Lions is for you. Mark Iles' novel from Solstice Publishing has just gone live on Amazon. Additionally--for a limited time only it's FREE!!! Oops! Almost forgot the buy link! http://www.amazon.com/Pride-Lions-Darkening-Skies-ebook/dp/B00EVC3D1Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1377954587&sr=8-1&keywords=A+Pride+of+Lions+by+Mark+Iles Book Blurb: When Selena Dillon is caught in an assassination attempt on her planets ruler, she finds herself sentenced to 25 years servitude in mankind’s most feared military force, the Penal Regiments. Much to her surprise she enjoys the harsh military life and is quickly selected for officer training. But something’s wrong, worlds are falling silent. There’s no cry for help and no warning, just a sudden eerie silence. When a flotilla of ships is despatched to investigate they exit hyperspac...