A New Year and New Challenges
We're officially off! I received the full edited manuscript on Christmas Eve. An early present, as it were. Not as many red marks as I'd feared, so I can relax a little bit, but there's still plenty of work to do. I must say though, that I owe my editor a debt of gratitude. She's making me a much better writer. I've found myself taking all the advice she's been giving me and applying it to my work in progress. I definitely don't want an editor to work this hard on the next one. Wow, that felt a little egotistical to me. The next one. I'm not even half way through the process on the first one and I'm already talking about a "next one." It felt good, though. I have my marching orders now. I read through the edits. I'm not completely certain about getting rid of one character's back story completely. First of all, I really like him. Secondly, I think that it really adds something to the story. So, I'm going to try and slip some o...